I am a Software Tester who has passion for exploring cutting-edge testing methodologies, I specialize in delivering comprehensive software testing solutions. My expertise spans exploratory testing, automation, performance testing, and security testing, with a strong focus on enhancing testing efficiency through tools like Selenium, Cypress, Playwright, REST Assured, Jenkins, and Docker.

I am a firm believer in continuous learning and innovation, constantly exploring new ways to integrate advanced techniques such as AI and machine learning into testing processes. I also enjoy sharing my knowledge with the community through detailed blog articles and demo videos on TestTales.com, where I showcase various testing methods and tools.

My portfolio encompasses a diverse range of practical testing projects across various domains, including IoT and server-based systems (e.g., Seismograph hardware and analytical software), desktop applications (such as Blast Designer and drilling pattern simulation tools), AI-integrated software (e.g., Fragmentation Image Analysis for slope and fragmentation size distribution), and numerical modeling for FEM/DEM simulations of dynamic real-world elements. Additionally, I have worked on testing Web Apps, E-commerce platforms, and LAP banking solutions with Salesforce. I focus on user-centric testing, automation, and addressing industry-specific challenges to ensure comprehensive and forward-thinking testing practices.

with 💖 Rishikesh Vajre